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2023.2 - CTE - CSTH - Língua Inglesa Aplicada à Hotelaria
Horários de Aulas (2023/2) - LIA 1
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Hotelaria 2 - Horário 2023-2 (LIA 1).pdf
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Grupo da Turma - WHATSAPP
Roteiro de Estudos
Horários de Aulas (2023/2) - LIA 1
Fórum de Tira-dúvidas
Grupo da Turma - WHATSAPP
Roteiro de Estudos
Forum: Activity 1. Welcome to our course! (02/10)
LEVELING TEST by Cambridge ELT (Nivelamento)
Activity 2. Welcome to the Imperial Hotel! (06/10)
Forum: Activity 4. Your Hotel Staff Name Tag (10/10 - 28/11 - EAD)
Forum: Activity 1. Welcome to our course! (02/10)
LEVELING TEST by Cambridge ELT (Nivelamento)
Activity 2. Welcome to the Imperial Hotel! (06/10)
Activity 3. Welcome to the team! (09/10 )
Forum: Activity 4. Your Hotel Staff Name Tag (10/10 - 28/11 - EAD)
Activity 5. Studying the reservation map. (02/09)
Activity 6. Identifying check-in procedures. (02/09)
Activity 7a. Understanding the check-in in detail. (02/09)
Activity 7b. Understanding the check-in in detail. (02/09)
Activity 8. Organizing and describing check-in procedures. (09/09)
Activity 9a. Learning more about check-in language (09/09)
Forum: Activity 9b. Let’s share reflections & experiences! (09/09)
Activity 10a. Identifying levels of language formality. (09/09)
Forum: Activity 10b. Perceptions of check-in language level of formality. (09/09)
Activity 11. Performing a check-in. (16/09)
Activity 12. Studying a more detailed check-in. (23 e 24/09 (sab.)
Activity 13a. Identifying differences in check-in development. (23 e 24/09 (sab.)
Forum: Activity 13b. Discussing how and to whom to give check-in information. (23 e 24/09 (sab.)
Activity 14a - Suggesting extra hotel services to guests. (23 e 24/09 (sab.)
Activity 14b - Suggesting extra hotel services to guests. (23 e 24/09 (sab.)
Activity 15a. Preparing to perform a more complex check-in. (30/09 )
Activity 15b. Performing a more complex check-in. (30/09)
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